Danae Hudson

Danae Hudson

Co-Owner and Instructor

Pronouns: They/Them

Rank: Expert 1

Favorite Seminar: Ground Fighting with Avi Moyal


IKMF Civilian Instructor

IKMF Kids Instructor

IKMF Women's Self-Defense Instructor

IKMF Adaptive Self-Defense Instructor

First Aid & CPR Trained

Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid Trained

American Red Cross First Aid and CPR Instructor

Stop the Bleed Trauma Bleeding Instructor

StrikeFit® Cardio Kickboxing Instructor

IKMF Civilian Lead Instructor




Danae Hudson (Co-owner of Valley Self-Defense, Civilian, Women's, and Kids Instructor) has been training in Krav Maga for 4 years. Danae was looking for a self-defense class after some traumatic experiences in their life and work in the Middle East. Though she only planned on attending for a few weeks, the community they found at Krav Maga Minneapolis and Valley Self Defense, as well as the confidence she gained from Krav Maga, kept them coming back. Danae teaches civilian, women's and kids classes at Valley Self Defense. Danae achieved the rank of Expert 1 at the International Krav Maga Federation's Crash Camp. Danae’s goal is to help people gain the confidence that Krav Maga has helped give her.

Motivation & Passion

Turning Point

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