Jeff Barthman

Jeff Barthman

Instructor (Civilian and Kids) / Kids BJJ Instructor


IKMF Civilian Instructor

IKMF Kids Instructor

First Aid & CPR Trained

Trauma-Informed Care



Jeff Barthman (Civilian and Kids Instructor) has been practicing Krav Maga for over three years. After two serious incidents took place in his life, Jeff decided he didn’t want to feel like a victim and decided he needed to learn how to defend himself, should the need ever arise again. For Jeff, Krav Maga has provided the best self-defense system to protect yourself when your life is in danger. Jeff appreciates the fact that the IKMF is always evolving and adapting the best ways for people to defend themselves and that all techniques are tried and tested to exhaustion both on the mat and in the field before being brought to students. Jeff achieved the rank of G1 while completing his Civilian Instructors Course in September 2020. More than anything, Jeff wants his students to know that they never have to be the victim. He hopes they learn that with enough time and dedication to Krav Maga they can truly "walk in peace" anywhere and everywhere.

Motivation & Passion

Turning Point

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