Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson

Civilian Instructor

Pronouns: He/Him

Rank: Graduate 1

Favorite Seminar: Intro to Krav Maga


IKMF Civilian Instructor

Trauma-Informed Care

HKC Kettlebell Strength Training



Mark Johnson (Civilian Instructor) has been practicing Krav Maga since 2015. Prior to this training, he spent 6 years working on his Tae Kwon Do skills with one of his two sons. Mark was drawn to Krav Maga as a new activity to do with his son and has maintained interest due to the practical and effective nature of the self-defense system. He particularly enjoys the IKMF methodology of training to respond to specific attacks until the response is a natural reaction, even under a stressed condition. Mark achieved the rank of G1 while completing his Civilian Instructors Course in March 2020. Mark is also certified through Dragon Door's Hardstyle Kettlebell Instructor program to teach kettlebell strength training at Valley Self-Defense. Mark would like all the students he works with to have fun and improve their fitness while working on adding to their self-defense capabilities so that they can have realistic confidence in their ability to avoid or safely react to any adverse situation they may encounter.

Motivation & Passion

Turning Point

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