Jiu Jitsu For Self-Defense

72% of fights end up with one person on the ground. Learn to fight there.

Join black-belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) instructor Eugene Garrett for an introduction to BJJ at Valley Self-Defense in Stillwater, Minnesota.

This hour and a half introduction will focus on how to use BJJ for self-defense.

Saturday, January 22nd, 2022
Valley Self-Defense

Why "Lot Fest"?

Working out in a parking lot during the pandemic is how a small group of friends coped with the uncertainty of what we were facing. We needed to stay connected, and stay fitness-focused.

Out of that experience, we realized how vitally important our fitness community is for our physical and mental well-being - so we built a new home for it and invite you to join!

This mini-fitness festival is a celebration of where we started and how far we can go...together!

CrossFit is intimidating...we get it!
Lot Fest! is a friendly and fun way to check out what we do, meet our coaches and members, tour our awesome new gym, and even try a workout with us!

Enter our FREE raffle!

Enter to win amazing prizes including FREE nutrition consulting, Sweet Pea Plant-Based gift certificates, Brickyard Merch, Project Lean Nation goodies, Brickyard new member discounts, and more!

Work Out

There will be partner and team workouts throughout the morning that ANYONE can do - you'll love it!!

You'll earn extra raffle tickets for doing a workout! More details below.

Workout Shedule

No matter your fitness level or age, you can do this! CrossFit is for anyone and everyone!

Join us for a group warm-up, coach instruction for movements, creating teams, and then a fun workout. Come for 1, stay for 2!

8.30 AM - 9.15 AM - Partner/Team Deck of Fun
9.30 AM - 10.15 AM - Team Relay
10.30 AM - 11.15 AM - Partner/Team Deck of Fun
11.30 AM - 12.15 AM - Team Relay

Learn Stuff! Win Stuff!

Enter raffles to win amazing prizes including FREE nutrition consulting, Sweet Pea Plant-Based gift certificates, Brickyard Merch, Project Lean Nation goodies, Brickyard new member discounts, and more!

Women's Winter Wear Self-Defense

Learn how to defend yourself against the most common attacks women experience, especially when you're bundled up tight against the weather.

Bring your biggest coats, boots, and mittens, as well as your least favorite handbag or book bag.

Saturday, January 29th, 2022
Valley Self-Defense

Verbal De-Escalation and Self-Defense

Someone's angry and coming near you - you feel uncomfortable, but you don't feel like you can use violence. What can you do?

Join Rev. Dr. Shawn Moore of the Center 4 Reconciliation will teach this workshop on using calm language to diffuse, re-direct, or de-escalate a conflicting situation.

Saturday, February 12th, 2022
Valley Self-Defense

Free Naloxone Training

Bold North Recovery will be giving a free training on spotting an opioid overdose, how naloxone can save someone's life, and how to give naloxone or narcan to someone overdosing.

This course is for ages 12 and older. A free naloxone kit will be provided to participants after the course.

Saturday, March 26th, 2022
Valley Self-Defense

Senior Self-Defense (60+)

Age and physical limitations do not have to prevent you from learning how to protect yourself.

Join us for a self-defense workshop for those 60 years and older.

Saturday, April 16th, 2022
Valley Self-Defense
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